Giving Tree is an association initially created in 2010 by a small group of bilingual parents interested in starting Strasbourg’s first English-French day care. Giving Tree allows children to grow and develop harmoniously in a small family environment through cultural and pedagogical bilingual activities. At the same time this home-like environment allows care providers to focus on each child’s individual daily needs and personality.
Giving Tree’s care providers are themselves bilingual. Our method is based on “one adult, one language”. Through games, songs, and activities the children will discover the sounds, words and meanings both in English and French.
English-speaking families are the first concerned by this crèche, however Giving Tree is open to families who would like to introduce their children to bilingualism at the earliest age, as well as to international families who have recently arrived in Strasbourg and to those who are bilingual in another language and who would like to introduce a third language to their children.
Giving Tree participates in a dynamic network of multicultural and multilingual structures (crèches, associations, interest groups, researchers…). The opening of this crèche creates a unique opportunity for English speakers and other bilingual parents to share questions about multilingualism and bilingual education for their children.
Giving Tree will put in place “green” best practices:
But above all, Giving Tree’s approach to being green is all about the daily gestures and encouraging children to discover themselves in their natural environment.
Giving Tree is unique because it creates a privileged relationship between professional day care providers and parents.
Parents are highly involved in the daily life of the structure. A parent is present in the crèche one half day a week allowing them to actively participate in the development of their child in a social group. As well as one half day of presence, known as a “permanence”, the parents are involved with the administration of the structure, and take charge of a “commission” which ensures the overall functioning of the crèche. The investment of time is great but so are the rewards!